Things are moving more slowly for you today, but it's not so bad, really. You may even find that you're better able to get things done as long as you're very careful about your choices.
Your passionate side is drawn out in full just when you need it the most! It's a really good time for you to show your sweetie how you feel or get your friends back on your side.
You're feeling pretty crazy today, so much so that you might share your feelings with someone inappropriate! There isn't much danger unless your feelings involve someone else's partner.
Try to take greater care with your business issues today. Things are getting weird, but you can get weirder if you must. Pay attention to all the details and don't sign until you're ready.
You need to be extra careful around the workplace today. Everyone is looking out for themselves and may cut you out if you don't make yourself indispensable. Work yourself into everything.
You are having a really hard time listening to those with far-out ideas today, though at least one of them is right. You may want to wait for a time to prove them right rather than take any risk.
You have to deal with today's big changes, but you've got the right kind of energy to take them in stride or even to lead the way! Others are impressed by your ability to shift and bend.
You can see that people are looking at you differently today, but you can't quite figure out why. Your animal magnetism is starting to peak now, so it's a good time to impress the masses.
You have to figure out a few new things today in real time, unfortunately! Your brain is up for the task, but your emotions might get taxed to the point of exhaustion after a while.
Slow down and let your better judgment float up to the top. It's time for some serious objectivity! That might mean making a few enemies, but sometimes that's what you have to do.
You are slowing way down right now, so much so that you might forget what the big rush was all about in the first place. It's a good time for you to take a step back from all the action.
Does it feel like you're swimming with sharks? The sharks feel the same way about you! Your energy might not give you confidence, but it's more than enough to get you through it all safely.
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